Cyber Security Basics: What you need to know


Welcome to the world of cybersecurity, a realm where the battle between hackers and security professionals never ends. If you’re considering a career in cyber security, then understanding Cyber Security Basics is crucial. 

Thought-Provoking Questions about Cybersecurity

As we delve into the core concepts, consider these questions: 

1. What are the basics to learn?

2. What are the 5 C’s of cybersecurity?

3. How do I prepare for cybersecurity certification?

4. What is the first certificate to get in cybersecurity?

5. What certifications should I get for cybersecurity?

 Keep reading to find the answers and more!

Cyber Security Defined?

Cyber security is the practice of safeguarding systems, networks, and data from digital threats. It involves implementing measures to prevent unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, unapproved change, or destruction of information. The goal is to provide a safe environment for computers, servers, networks, and software systems. Cybersecurity allows systems to operate effectively while protecting personal and sensitive data.

Understanding the Essentials of Cyber Security

In the digital age, technological advancements have changed the way organizations operate. With the rise of the internet and the expansion of the digital landscape, cyber threats have also seen a significant increase. cyber security, therefore, has become a critical aspect of any group’s operations

This article aims to provide a complete understanding of the basics of cyber security. To do that, we will include its importance, key concepts, and best practices.

The Evolution of Cyber Threats

The history of cyber threats is as old as the advent of technology itself. In the early days, when technology was limited and not networked, carrying out a cyber attack was a daunting task. However, with the evolution of technology and the rise of the internet, cyber threats have become more sophisticated and prevalent. Today, cyber threats are not just limited to large corporations but also pose a significant risk to small businesses and individuals.

The Importance of cyber security

cyber security is a rapidly evolving field that poses new challenges for organizations and individuals alike. It is no longer limited to protecting computers from viruses and malware. 

Today, cyber security encompasses a wide range of practices aimed at protecting systems, networks, programs, and data from cyber attacks. It is critical for every organization to understand the basics of cyber security. After doing so, they need to implement robust security measures to protect their digital assets.

Key Concepts of cyber security

The fundamental concepts of cyber security revolve around the protection of systems, networks, and data from cyber attacks. This involves implementing technologies and processes to reduce the risk of cyber attacks and prevent unauthorized access to systems and networks. 

The key concepts of cyber security include:

  •  threat identification
  • keeping information safe
  • detecting intrusions and attacks
  •  responding to intrusions and attacks
  • rebuilding intrusion defenses
  •  recovering database security

Common Types of Cyber Threats

Cyber attacks can take various forms, each posing a unique type of cyber threat to the security of digital assets. Some of the most common cyber threats  include malware attacks, password attacks, phishing attacks, clickjacking, and cryptocurrency hijacking.

Cyber Security Best Practices

There is an increasing sophistication of cyber threats. Because of this,  there are several best practices that organizations and individuals can follow to protect their digital assets. 

These include: 

  • regularly updating software
  • installing anti-virus and anti-malware programs
  • setting up two-factor authentication
  • using a virtual private network (VPN)
  • being cautious while clicking on links
  • disabling Bluetooth when not in use
  • deleting adware on your computer
  • upgrading your security system
  • scanning external storage devices for viruses
  • regularly backing up critical data

Understanding the Core Concepts

Malware and Firewalls

Imagine your computer as a castle. Malware, like viruses and worms, are the invaders trying to breach your defenses. Firewalls act as your castle walls, blocking these threats and maintaining the confidentiality aspect of the CIA Triad.

VPNs and Encryption

VPNs and encryption are like secret tunnels and secret languages. They ensure your data’s confidentiality and integrity as it travels across the internet.

Two-Factor Authentication and Phishing

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)  is like a double-lock system, adding an extra layer of security and enhancing data integrity. When combined with a strong password policy, it helps to keep a system safe.

Phishing, however, is a deceptive practice that threatens the confidentiality and integrity principles of the CIA Triad.

The Human Factor in cyber security

Social Engineering

Social engineering is the art of fooling people into revealing confidential information, posing a significant threat to the CIA Triad’s principles.

In response to this, it is critical that the organization have a user education program. This program should include quarterly training and simulated social engineering attacks to make sure the training is working.

Tools of the Trade

Intrusion Detection Systems and Penetration Testing

Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) and penetration testing are like watchtowers and mock invasions. They help maintain the availability and integrity of your data, crucial aspects of the CIA Triad.

Incident Response and Risk Assessment

Incident response and risk assessment are about being prepared and identifying weak points. They are vital for upholding all three principles of the CIA Triad.

The Science Behind cyber security


Cryptography is the science of secret messages. It’s a key tool for maintaining the confidentiality and integrity of data, two pillars of the CIA Triad.

Protecting Networks and Data

Network Security and Password Management

Network security and password management are like guards and complex locks. They protect the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of data, aligning with the CIA Triad’s principles.

Antivirus Software and cyber security Policies

Antivirus software and cyber security policies are your digital bodyguards and laws of the land. They help uphold the integrity and availability aspects of the CIA Triad.

After a Breach: Response and Prevention

Data Breaches and Digital Forensics

Data breaches and digital forensics are like enemy invasions and detective work. They relate to all aspects of the CIA Triad, highlighting the importance of maintaining confidentiality, integrity, and availability.

Secure Coding and Cyber Threat Intelligence

Secure coding and cyber threat intelligence are about building strong defenses and staying informed. They contribute to all three aspects of the CIA Triad, emphasizing the importance of confidentiality, integrity, and availability to strengthen application security.

Cyber Security Certifications

For professionals looking to specialize in cyber security, there are several certifications that can provide a competitive edge. 

Some of the top cyber security certifications include:


In conclusion, cyber security is a fascinating and complex field. Understanding these basic concepts is the first step towards starting your cyber security career. Then, you can become a defender of the digital realm. Remember, in the world of cyber security, knowledge is your most powerful weapon. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the top questions people also ask about Cyber Security Certification Basics:

1. What are the basics to learn cyber security?

   The basics to learn cyber security include understanding key concepts like:

  •  Malware
  • Firewalls
  • VPNs
  • Encryption
  • social engineering
  • the CIA Triad

among others.

2. What are the 5 C’s of cyber security?

   The 5 C’s of cyber security are Confidentiality, Control, Compliance, Continuity, and Culture. These principles guide the strategies and practices in the cyber security field.

3. How do I prepare for cyber security certification?

   Preparing for cyber security certification involves:

  • studying key concepts
  • practicing with tools and techniques
  • understanding the principles of the CIA Triad

4. What is the first certificate to get in cyber security?

   The first certificate to get in cyber security often depends on your background and career goals. However, the CompTIA Security+ is a common starting point for many professionals.

5. What certifications should I get for cyber security?

   The certifications you should get for cyber security depend on your career goals. Some popular ones include CompTIA Security+, Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP), and Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH).

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